Rick Adams

With over 40 years in the mining industry, Rick is competent and reliable in any project he undertakes.

Rick Adams

With over 40 years in the mining industry, Rick is competent and reliable in any project he undertakes.

Director, Principal Geologist

Rick Adams is a senior member of the geological consulting team at Cube. With nearly 40 years of experience, including over 25 years consulting, Rick is competent and reliable in any project he undertakes.

Rick has worked on projects throughout the world in a variety of geological environments and commodities. This experience makes him a unique and highly valuable resource.

Rick has particular experience in the modelling and estimation of Achaean gold occurrences, narrow nickel sulphides, porphyry style copper-gold deposits and epithermal gold and silver. 

During his career Rick has developed a diverse range of resource estimation skills and understands the practical application of geostatistical and classical estimation techniques.


  • Geostatistics – linear, non-linear and conditional simulation
  • 3D Geological modelling
  • Narrow lode estimation expertise
  • Feasibility studies
  • Resource Audits
  • Due diligence and Independent Report Preparation
  • Competent person in gold, copper, nickel, lead/silver/zinc and PGE’s

Qualifications and Affiliations

  • (Geology/Computer Science) UNSW 1982
  • Cert. Geostatistics ECU 2011
  • Fellow of the AusIMM 112739

Career Summary

Jan 2000 to present
Director and Principal Consultant
- Cube Consulting Pty Ltd
1993 – 1999
Senior Geological Consultant
- Global Mining Services
1990 – 1993
Contract Geologist
- Gemell Mining Engineers
1985 – 1990
Resource/Grade Control Geologist
- Golden Deeps Pty Ltd
1982 – 1985
Seismologist/Party Manager
- Western Geophysical